French President Obsessed With Project Macron


The French President Emmanuel Macron was a popular face among the crowds and masses. The president was loved and liked by all. But the Project Macron, which was a bid made by the President to make France and EU better seems to have worked against him.

President Macron’s official photo

The French President’s popularity saw a decline when he brought in newer reforms in the country within four months of his election as the president. The newer labor reforms, which seek to change the redundant growth of the country by eradicating many generous facilities enjoyed by the labor, did not sit well with the laborers and the workers in the country.

Macron has come with his own vision and an action plan to help the European Project. Macron gave a speech and told gave out his idea in a broader sense. Although his plans seem legit and good, the plan is vastly ambitious. The president himself said that they would need a huge budget to implement all the ideas he has for the project.

Along with this, the president had talked about implementing the “carbon tax.” A tax which will be imposed based on the carbon content of the fuels being burnt. This was proposed to support the idea of cleaner energy. Furthermore, the president spoke about reviving the Financial Transaction tax after keeping the rising migration in mind. His ideas aren’t new and have existed in talks over time. But the idea is a radical one and aims at the progression of both France and EU.

French President Emmanuel Macron in war of words with Polish government

However, this idea and plan were seen as an incredibly ambitious move by many other politicians. Some have even called the president arrogant, who is obsessed with this project. Mr. Laurent Wauquiez, the frontrunner for France’s conservative opposition, in an interview told the weekly Le Journal du Dimanche, which the French president did not love his country. The president only cared about himself and only himself.

Additionally, the frontrunner added that the President was so obsessed with this idea, that the president could not stand the contradictions made by the media on this topic. Along with this, there were others who seemed to believe that the president was obsessed with the idea of Project Macron.


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